Strategic Engagement Workshop for the Higher Education and Co-operative Sectors
The Canadian Association for Studies in Co-operation (CASC), the Ontario Co-operative Association (ON-Coop), Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada (CMC) and the P&G Centre for Business and Sustainability (Wilfred Laurier University) invite you to participate in a workshop on promoting strategic engagement between the co-operative sector and institutions of higher education.
This workshop will provide a forum for leaders in the co-operative sector and institutions of higher education to learn more about the work of each other and to reflect on how they might collaborate more closely and effectively. Three specific areas of collaboration will be explored: curriculum; experiential education and; innovation and development.
The workshop will take place on the morning of June 2nd, 2017, at Ryerson University. Â Participants will include Denyse Guy, Executive Director of Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada, Peter Cameron, Interim Director of the Ontario Co-operative Association, and Senator Lucie Moncion. Â Registration is free, but pre-registration is required. Â
REGISTRATION: Please register here by May 25, 2017:
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