ICA CCR Global Research Conference 2017 – First Call for Papers
ICA CCR Global Research Conference 2017 FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS
‘Developing Inclusive, Collaborative and Responsible Businesses: Co-operatives in Theory, Policy and Practice’
University of Stirling, Scotland June 20-23 2017
The International Co-operative Alliance Committee on Co-operative Research global research conference will take place in Stirling, Scotland from June 20th to June 23rd 2017. The University of Stirling will host the conference and we are now calling for papers.
Conference Theme
The conference theme is to explore the role and potential of co-operatives as inclusive, collaborative and responsible businesses. The goal is to consider these issues in theory, policy and practice – connecting the contribution that theory can make to better co-operative practice, and that co-operative practice can make to better theory. Some are sceptical about these connections, as demonstrated in the old adage: “In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is”. Others are more optimistic, ascribing to Kurt Lewin’s view that ‘there is nothing so practical as a good theory’ (Lewin, 1952).
Often theoretical ideas and debates are better understood when located in the historical and empirical contexts and conditions that generate them – that shape what issues and problems are identified, how they are identified, how solutions to them are sought, and by whom. In this sense, it is important to work in both directions, from theory to policy and practice, and from practice and policy to theory. This conference seeks to provide space in which to explore and ensure a deeper understanding of such links, and to discuss how academics, cooperative institutions and policy makers may learn from one another.
A wide range of co-operative types and models in various stages of development and sophistication exist in both traditional and emerging fields. Researchers, policy makers, practitioners and students of co-operatives, social enterprise and social economy from all countries and co-operative sectors are welcome to present their research and share their knowledge in order to inform policy making and support enhancements in both theory and practice, considering the real-world constraints and opportunities that co-operative organisations face.
Call for Papers and Session Proposals
We hereby invite submissions for paper and session proposals. Theoretical and applied presentations are welcome from all co-operative areas. The conference will address, but is not limited to, the following research areas:
T1. Co-operatives, Equality and Inclusiveness T2. Co-operatives and Collaboration: Networks, Clusters, Consortia T3. Co-operatives, Ethics and Social Responsibility T4. Co-operative Identity and Communications T5. Co-operative Governance and Organisational Design T6. Member Loyalty and Engagement T7. Co-operative Management; Measuring and Assessing Co-operative Performance T8. Co-operatives and Employment – job tenure, job quality and job satisfaction T9. Enabling Environments and Policy Innovations; Legal Innovations, Frameworks and Issues T10. Pre-co-operative and Social Capital Building; Co-operative Start-ups, Development and Entrepreneurship; Co-operative Education, Training and Capacity Building T11. Co-operative Growth, Longevity and Resilience; Co-operative Failures and/or Recoveries T12. Co-operatives and Market Innovation Strategies (niche markets, differentiation, internationalisation, short supply chains, etc.) T13. Credit and Finance Co-operatives/Access to credit T14. Agricultural Cooperatives T15. Co-operative Retailing T16. Community Cooperatives T17. Social Cooperatives T18. New Forms of Co-operation T19. Hybrid Co-operative Forms T20. Other topics of your choice (please describe in a few words)
Submission of Your Proposal
We invite practitioners, researchers, and policy makers in the cooperative and social and solidarity economy to submit an abstract no longer than 400 words on the above topics, or other topics related to co-operative studies. Abstracts should follow this format:
– Title of paper – Names and affiliations of all contributors – Main theme/objective of the paper – Methodological and/or Conceptual approach – Key findings/conclusions – Bibliography (max. 4 sources) – (Up to) Four ‘Keywords’ – Contact details for corresponding author
Papers and Posters:
Abstracts may be submitted from Tuesday 25th October 2016. Abstracts should be submitted by email to Richard Simmons at: ICA2017@stir.ac.uk. The e-mail subject area should indicate ICA2017; given name and family name of the corresponding author; paper/poster proposal; conference theme number (e.g. ICA2017-John Smith-Paper –T12).
PROPOSALS FOR SESSIONS ARE WELCOME AND ENCOURAGED. If you propose an organised session, at least 4 papers on a common theme must be included. Session proposals should also be sent to the above address. They should include a description of the theme to be addressed and the names and paper titles from all presenters. NB. Abstracts must be submitted for each presentation. In this case, abstracts should again be submitted to the above address, this time indicating ICA2017; given name and family name of the corresponding author; Session Paper; Session Title. For example, an abstract for a paper to a session on ‘co-operative hybrids’ would have the subject line: (ICA2017-John Smith-Session Paper-Co-operative Hybrids).
Emerging Scholars Programme
Emerging scholars’ sessions and events will also be an important part of the conference. Young and emerging scholars (graduate students, post-doctoral students within 2 years of receiving their degrees) are invited to: 1. (YSP 1) submit their proposals as indicated in the above Call for Papers, adding YSP1 to the subject line to indicate their wish to participate. The scientific committee in agreement with the young scholar will assign an experienced researcher in a respective field to provide constructive feedback (a discussion, one-on-one advice, or written feedback, as appropriate) on the submitted young scholar’s paper and presentation. 2. (YSP 2) Indicate their interest in participating in a pre-conference workshop. The workshop will comprise three sessions – on theory, policy and practice – each led by key academics, policy makers and practitioners. Suggestions for particular training needs are very welcome. Deadline to express interest in YSP2 by email to Richard Simmons at ICA2017@stir.ac.uk is February 1, 2017. Spaces are limited. Young scholars will be eligible for a reduced registration fee. Financial travel support is possible, but it will depend on the number of applicants and available resources. Official Language The official language of the conference is English. If you have difficulty presenting in English, you may arrange to have someone help you during your presentation or rely on a more text driven presentation.
Important Dates
10 February 2017 Deadline for abstract submission for papers, posters and proposed sessions
10 February – 24 February 2017 Evaluation and selection process
27 February 2017 Notification of acceptances (and refusals) and instructions for presentation. Publication of list with the accepted papers, sessions and posters.
26 April 2017 Final date for ‘early bird’ registration.
2 June 2017 Final date for all authors´ registration. NB. Only the papers for which at least one author is registered by 2 June (payment validated) will be included in the Conference programme!
9 June 2017 Deadline for the upload of full texts of papers or presentations to be presented and discussed during the conference. This is only applicable to the authors that wish to have their full paper available in the congress website. Full papers will not be published on paper.
13 June 2017 Full papers available on-line
20 – 23 June 2017 Conference
24 June 2017 Co-operative tours (optional)
Principal Conference Organising Committee
Richard Simmons, University of Stirling, Scotland, UK Keri Davies, University of Stirling, Scotland, UK Eric Calderwood, University of Stirling, Scotland, UK Iain MacDonald (Former Director-General, International Co-operative Alliance) Gerard Hill (Cooperative Group, UK) Cynthia Giagnocavo, University of Almeria, Spain Sonja Novkovic, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Canada Scientific Committee is drawn globally from international members of ICACCR
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