Daniel Côté Recipient of 2014 CASC Merit Award

Daniel Côté, associate professor at the École des Hautes Études Commerciales (HÉC) in Montreal, is the winner of the 2014 CASC Award of Merit.
Professor Côté earned his PhD in Economics from Lousiana State University in 1985. He has been teaching at HÉC since 1983, where he was associated with the Centre of the Management of Co-operatives from 1977 to 2003, including serving as Director from 1992 to 2003. Since the winter of 2006, Professor Côté has also been offering the course on “Co-operative Management and Strategic Planning†in the Masters of Managmenet of Co-operatives and Credit Unions at St. Mary’s University (Halifax).
Involved in co-operative research for more than 30 years, since the late 1990’s Professor Côté has focused on financial services cooperatives. Out of his research has emerged a new cooperative paradigm that examines cooperative management in terms of loyalty, learning organization, mobilization by the values, the quest for meaning and legitimacy. Professor Côté is particularly noted for his use of action research, which he employs to test the relevance of his model, especially with regard to its ability to generate competitive advantages for co-operative businesses.
Professor Côté has published extensively, most notably on issues of co-operative management, strategy and entrepreneurship in the financial services and agricultural sector. He is regularly invited to give lectures on the management of cooperatives, both in Canada and abroad.
One of the early members of CASC, Professor Côté’s contributions have also been appreciated by other organizations. In 2004 he received the Association of Co-operative Educators’ (ACE) Award for Outstanding Contributions to Co-operative Education and Training. In 2011 he was elected as a Fellow of the Filene Institute.
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