Annual Conference – Final 2008 Schedule, All Three Days
Final Schedule of Sessions for the 2008 Annual CASC Conference
Click Here for a Copy of the Full Program (including paper abstracts)
June 5th
SESSION 1A Chemistry 300 – Cooperatives and Sustainability I, 9:15am – 10:45am
- Greening the Co-operative movement: Adding the third leg of sustainability
- Jennifer Sumner
- Co-operatives and the environmental challenge
- John Anderson
- Co-operative Marketing of Organic Field Crops in Saskatchewan: Record and Prospect
- Jason Heit & Michael Gertler
SESSION 1B Chemistry 124 – Cooperatives and Sustainability II, 9:15am – 10:45am
- Alternative Energy and Sustainable Development A Cooperative case of study
- Silvina Gilberto
- Cooperatives- A Key for Sustainability
- Lynn Hannley
- From the Inside Out: Nurturing Co-operation in Co-operatives
- Joy Emmanuel
SESSION 2A Chemistry 300 – Governing Oral Institutions: How co-ops function, and could function, in essentially oral societies, 11am – 12:30pm
- Practice aspects of institutional governance in oral villages in Cambodia
- Yang Saing Koma,
- Oral information media and culture as driving factors in the shaping and managing oral institutions & urban-managed development projects in developing countries
- Twyla Gibson
- Oral institutions, community-based microfinance & orality
- Brett Matthews
- Agency and governance in cooperatives in oral communities in developing countries
- Ian MacPherson
PANEL Chemistry 200 JOINT SESSION WITH ANSER WHAT’S IN A NAME? 1:30pm – 3:00pm
Chair: Michael Hall, Imagine Canada, Toronto, ON
- Vic Murray, University of Victoria, BC
- Jack Quarter, OISE/University of Toronto, ON
- Lou Hammond-Ketilson, University of Saskatchewan, SK
- Darryl Reed, York University, ON
SESSION 2B Chemistry 300 – Cooperation and Mobilization: Building Food Security through the Canadian Social Economy Research Projects, 3:15pm – 4:45pm
- Mobilization around Food Security within the Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships: A National Scan
- Liesel Carlsson and Patty Williams
- L’utilisation plus grande de compost comme intrant organique dans les cultures par les fermiers du Sud-Est du Nouveau-Brunswick
- Danièle Courchesne
- The Harvest Moon Society Local Food Initiative: Building Social Capital through and Alternative Food Economy.
- C.R. Anderson and S.M. McLachlan
- ·CCEDNet : Cooperative Community Development and Food Security Networks
- Elizabeth Morrison
June 6th
SESSION 3 Chemistry 300 – Cooperatives and Government Policy, 9am – 10:30am
- Legislative Renewal: Drafting Cooperative Principles into Law and Prospects for Renewing Cooperative Organizations
- Edward De Barbieri
- Challenges and Lessons Learned from the Innovation and Research Projects in the Co-operative Development Initiative.
- Fiona Duguid/J Roy
- Co-operatives and Public Policy: Negotiating with Government
- Heneberry, Jennifer
- Picking on Policy: How the New Brunswick Government could Better Serve Co-operatives
- Erin Hancock
SESSION 4A Chemistry 124 – Cooperative Governance, 9am – 10:30am
- Loyalty Program: Reaching out to Members of Member-Owners of The Co-operators Group Ltd
- Lily Ng
- Co-operative Democracy: Board Diversity and the Representation of Women
- Kimberly Brown
- Its ownership Jim but not as we know it: member shares, membership and ownership in co-operatives
- Hicks, Maddocks, MacGillivary
SESSION 4B Chemistry 300 – CASC Q and A – Who are We and Where are we Going?, 10:45am – 12:30pm
- Lou Hammond Keitlson
- Tom Webb
- Denyse Guy
- William Nelson
SESSION 5A Chemistry 124 – Social Cooperatives – June 6th 1:30pm – 3pm
- Strategies for Inclusion: Empowerment, Disability, and Co-operatives
- Kama Soles
- Co-operatives and Dimensions of Co-operation: Do They Determine Quality Child Care?
- Catherine Leviten-Reid
- Tales of Co-operation: Developing a Regional Co-operative
- Joy Emmanuel
SESSION 5B Chemistry 300 – Worker Cooperatives – June 6th 1:30pm – 3pm
- Assessment of Labors’ Consumer Cooperatives in Isfahan – Iran
- Masoud Ramezani, Amir Mozafar Amini, Mohammad Nagi Golami
- Co-opting Precariousness: Worker Cooperatives providing alternatives to precarious employment for marginalized populations
- Amanda Wilson
- The Worker-Recovered Enterprises of Argentina and the State: Searching for ‘Genuine’ Democracy in a Hostile Environment
- Rhiannon Edwards
- Formalizing the Informal: Cooperativising Those at the Margin – The Indian Experience
- Veena Nabar
June 7th
SESSION 6A Chemistry 300 – Cooperatives and Youth, 9am – 10:30am
- Made in Canada: Youth working for stronger communities and a stronger Canada
- Tanya Gracie, Kathryn Foulds, and Chelsea Lake
SESSION 6B Chemistry 300 – Cooperatives and Peace Film Premiere, 9am – 10:30am
- Social Justice, and Human Development: The Pillars of Co-operation
- Discussion to be led by Joy Emmanuel
SESSION 7A Chemistry 300 – Social Cooperatives, 10:45am – 12:15pm
- The Italian Cooperative Movement And The Development Of Civic Capacity Among Social Cooperatives In Northern Italy: A Case Of Cooperative Renewal?
- Vanna Gonzales
- Financing Aboriginal Enterprise Development: The Feasibility of Using Co-operative Models
- Lou Hammond Keitlson and Kimberly Brown
- Cooperative Values: The Social Framework of Cooperation
- J.J. McMurtry
SESSION 7B Chemistry 300 – Cooperatives and Fair Trade, 10:45am – 12:15pm
- An Evaluation of Co-op Group’s Fairtrade Initiative as an Example of Co-operative Innovation
- Norma Babineau, Erbin Crowell, and Kevin Lytle
- Fair trade and co-operation – Nigeria’s food industry and the impact of government regulation
- Oluseyi Oduyoye
- Co-operatives, Fair Trade and the Social Economy: Developing Locally-Based Regional Alternatives for Ethical Trade in Canada
- Debbie Dergousoff
SESSION 8 Chemistry 300 – Cooperative Economics, 1:30pm – 3:00pm
- Ontario Soybean Producers And Organizational Structure In The Value Added Industry: Case Study
- Greg Pate, Getu Hailu and Alfons Veersink
- Building a Tax Policy Framework to Enable Co-operative Development: A comparative experience
- Monica Juarez Adeler
- The Co-operative Difference: Jurisprudential Interpretation in the Post-national Constellation
- Robert Dobrohoczki
SESSION 9 Chemistry 300 – Surveying Cooperatives, 3:15pm – 4:45pm
- Measures of performance of co-operative firms
- Sonia Novkovic and Tom Webb
- A New Portrait of Co-operatives and Credit Unions in Atlantic Canada
- Luc Thériault
- Globalization, innovation and co-operative support organizations: Sector, Territory, Synergy
- Mitch Diamantopoulos
Fair Trade Group Meeting – Chemistry 124, June 7th 1pm to 5pm
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