2008 Conference

JUNE 5 – 7, 2008


Chemistry Building, Rooms 124 and 300

Cooperative Renewal: Cooperatives in the Twenty-First Century

Cooperatives and theories of cooperation have successfully adjusted to extensive social, economic, and political challenges over the more than a century and a half of since the writings of Robert Owen and others influenced the founding of the Rochdale Cooperative in 1844.

In fact, renewal could be seen to be an essential feature of cooperative study and practice. However, it could also be argued that the combinations of forces confronting cooperatives and theories of cooperation in the twenty-first century pose the most serious challenge yet to their relevance and continued survival. This conference encourages scholars, practitioners, and “fellow travellers” of cooperation to participate in discussing frankly the necessity for, forms of, and challenges to, cooperative renewal as well as the adjustments required (if at all) for cooperation to survive and thrive throughout the upcoming century in Canada and the wider world.

In this section of the website you will find information related to the 2008 Annual CASC Meeting/Conference. This section will be regularly updated so please return.

Program Details

Click Here to review the full listing of presentations.

Click Here for a copy of the full program (including paper abstracts).

Click Here to download a copy of the final schedule.

Please review our Call for Papers for the 2008 Conference and Annual Meeting.

Please click Here for a map of the locations for both the paper sessions and the social events.

Please click Here for a copy of the Student Travel Subsidy form.

Information for Presenters

Information is forthcoming.

Collaborating with The Association for Nonprofit and Social Economy Research (ANSER)

The 2008 conference CASC will be holding different activities and joint sessions with The Association for Nonprofit and Social Economy Research (ANSER). Stay tuned for more information.

Social Activities

Click HERE for some important conference information from the Social Economy HUB.

Click HERE for a copy of the Joint Reception Banquet Program

Click HERE for a copy of the Wine and Cheese Program

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