CASC/ACE Survey For Postsecondary Educators

Dear CASC Community,

CASC (Canadian Association for Studies in Co-operation) and ACE (Association of Cooperative Educators) would like to know about your experience as a postsecondary teacher when it comes to teaching about co-operatives!  The results of the following brief survey will be presented at the CASC and ACE in Calgary in June 2016, and will be used to inform national discussions concerning co-operatives’ strategies for postsecondary education.  Please send your survey responses to brett.fairbairn at

This survey has been distributed to members of CASC and identified postsecondary members of ACE.  Please forward it to any other postsecondary instructor you know who may teach content about co-operatives through an American or Canadian postsecondary institution.

1.  (a) Do you regularly (at least once every 3 years) teach content about co-operatives to students through your postsecondary institution?  This may include a section or assignment within a broader course. (Y-N):  ___
(b) If yes, to approximately how many students per year, on average, at the undergraduate level?  ___
(c) And, to approximately how many students per year, on average, at the graduate level?               ___

2.  Does your teaching include at least one regular course that is primarily (more than 50%) specifically about co-operatives? (Y-N):  ___

3.  Do you involve representatives of the co-operative sector, or persons experienced with co-operatives (practitioners), in the delivery of your teaching (as guest speakers, advisors, etc.)? (Y-N):  ___

4.  What is the name of your postsecondary institution? _______________________

5.  How would you characterize the subject matter of your teaching about co-operatives?  Please indicate any of the following that apply:
___ credit unions
___ agricultural co-operatives
___ retail co-operatives
___ housing co-operatives
___ worker co-operatives
___ multistakeholder co-operatives
___ social economy
___ management of co-operatives
___ labour in co-operatives
___ governance of co-operatives
___ co-operative principles
___ co-operative education
___ Indigenous peoples and co-operatives
___ policy issues with respect to co-operatives
___ co-operatives and development
___ co-operatives and sustainability
___ other topics: ________________________________________
___ economics of co-operatives
___ sociology of co-operatives
___ history of co-operatives
___ other disciplines or methodologies: _______________________

6.  OPTIONAL QUESTION:   are there teaching resources (readings, cases, podcasts, videos etc.) that you have found particularly useful for teaching about co-operatives?  Please mention ones you have found particularly helpful so that we can recommend them to other educators.

Thank you for assisting CASC and ACE!

Brett Fairbairn

Professor and Graduate Chair
Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy
Acting Director and Fellow in Co-operative History and Governance,
Centre for the Study of Co-operatives
University of Saskatchewan
101 Diefenbaker Place  Saskatoon SK  S7N 5B8  Canada

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