CASC/ACE 2016 Conference A Great Success!
It is with great pleasure to report to you that our 2016 Conference, held in collaboration with Association for Co-operative Educators (ACE), was a great success! The Conference took place May 31 – June 3, 2016 in Calgary and brought together over 140 academics, co-op practitioners, policy-makers, students and community activists from all across North America and beyond. The theme of this year’s conference was “Energizing Communities: Nurturing Democratic Practices”. This theme embodied the idea of cultivating, supporting and lifting the voices of all co-operative members and the broader community.
In tune with our theme, the Conference kicked off with a youth cohort and also featured an informative and enriching student case study competition. The second day of our Conference was dedicated to presentations that highlight best practices of inclusion and democratic practices from around the world, and workshops that aim to strengthen our own democratic practices in governance, education and communities. On the third day, we hosted two separate tours that visited local co-operatives in Calgary and had the opportunity to learn from their experiences first-hand.
We then wrapped up our Conference with another day of research presentations and workshops.
Our conferences are a great opportunity to share your knowledge in co-op research and/or practice, learn from others’, and make great friends along the way! We are hoping you can join us in Toronto for our 2017 Conference in late May (details and a call for papers to follow in the Fall).
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